You Gotta Keep it Insulated: Introducing Assured Insulation
The Okanagan is getting seriously swarmed this spring by a common, although often mis-identified, pest. Boxelder bugs are found primarily on boxelder trees, as well as maple and ash trees. We get a lot of calls about these guys, and although they...
Have you ever met someone and then solely known them by their nickname? And if asked their real name you shrug your shoulders with a confused look on your face? You’ve almost certainly heard of ‘stink bugs’, whose name is derived from their stinky...
Spring is here, but so too are the bugs that come with it; and the two most common pests plaguing the homes of the Okanagan are termites and ants. As winter fades, spring sunshine has us warming up and becoming more active. And we’re not alone; with...
In case, you were wondering… Yes, we do have termites here in the Okanagan. TONS of them! And, unfortunately, right after ‘tis the season to be jolly, ‘tis now the termite season. So, be on the lookout for these sneaky and ravenous pests. Termite...
Those living in the Okanagan are dealing with yet another unwanted guest in their homes...
You wouldn’t mistake a mouse for a rat, a spider for an ant, or a centipede for a cockroach; but you would be forgiven for mistaking a termite for a flying ant; especially if that termite was one of the winged variety. In fact, many people mistake...
The ants go marching one-by-one hurrah, hurrah, the ants go marching one-by-one hurrah, hurr...wait! Stop. We should not be hurrah-ing over ants marching into our households! Nothing sucks more than waking up to these asshole critters crawling...
“But Dad! Don’t kill it! Our little rat friend is so cute!” says every daughter everywhere.
Chances are that when you were a kid, you heard the saying: ‘Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite’. Maybe you’re a parent now and are uttering the same famous phrase to your kids! Well, we’ve all heard the saying, we all know what it means, but...