Those living in the Okanagan are dealing with yet another unwanted guest in their homes...
“Our most common intruders are odorous house ants, carpenter ants, thatching ants, carpet beetles, common house spiders, black widow spiders, millipedes and earwigs,” he said, noting rats are also a growing issue." BugMaster tech George Forgie tells Castanet news in this interview.
Bug Master Pest Control is receiving up to three calls a day for the last several weeks, from residents living in Kelowna and West Kelowna who are dealing with an infestation of ants.
“They are quite common in this area and 24/7 they are hauling sap up to your attic,” he said, adding when squished they smell of sap. “They are coming out of your baseboards, going to the food and water areas looking for water, and they will be there all of the time. And these ants to a colony are 30, 40, 50,000 ants.” George tells Castanet.
These ants aren’t causing any structural damage to your home, but they can be a pain in the a$$.
We don't recommend dealing with these ants yourself. Aerosol spray is the worst thing you can use with these odorous ants because they smell an aerosol and they will go to the furthest place in the house and start up a colony! Instead call BugMaster and send those little ants marching one by one OUT of your house.