BugMaster Blog

Get rid of Millipedes

Written by BugMaster Pest Control | Jul 3, 2015 12:13:25 AM

Millipedes have been causing headaches for homeowners this year, big time. In a previous article we shared a Castanet News story featuring one of our technicians, George Forgie, talking about this very issue. People are being over run with millipedes all over their walk ways and patios.

BugMaster to the rescue! We have developed a millipede blocker system which when installed has been able to restrict millipedes from 80-100%.

How it works

We have designed a custom retrofitted piping which is created specifically to deter millipedes based on their anatomy. The body of a millipede cannot physically bend in a way to crawl around the edge of the pipe to the other side. What will happen instead is they will try, fail, and fall back to the bottom.

The piping is installed along the pavement of all affected areas (usually around the entire walkway of the yard is what we encourage). BugMaster technicians will install the restrictor system piping adjacent to pavement as well as up the length of stairs if applicable (see images below). This system in no way creates an eyesore for your property, in fact it creates a beautiful landscape element for your yard!

[gallery link="none" size="medium" columns="4" ids="16085,16087,16088,16090,16086,16089,16091"]


The homes pictured above have had ZERO millipedes since we installed the millipede blocker system.

Got a problem with Millipedes? Call the professionals!